A lot of oddities...
May I ask how you made the background and forgeround? I'd have to say they don't mix well with the girl you're portraying in the said picture. Aside from that I also eye a few mistakes:
1. Firstly, the shading looks quite odd. I see no solid ones, it's all a blur. And we all know blurring is bad when it comes to shading. Try to use more solid shades so the picture will looks more refined and realistic. Try to make it a crisp so the viewer will have no trouble identifying how the shades work on your drawing.
2. Secondly, the folds on the clothes look very static. They look very strange. Try studying how fabric or clothing behave when put into these circumstances. How would a shirt fold if a gust of wind blows by? And also the scarf looks very static. Try to put in a bit more action.
3. Thirdly, the anatomy. It looks very disproportionate. I see her right looks weird. The upper part should be thicker than the lower part. Her breasts also look very odd. Plus the perspective you were trying to achieve doesn't seem to work.
4. Lastly, her hair looks like it doesn't have any bit of life on it. It looks almost barren. The strands look unrealistic. And her tears are don't look like tears at all. More like snow.
Other tips:
When you make a picture, make sure your background matches. It looks like you just pasted the background and then call it done. Try to paint your backgrounds.
What do you mean by inspiration anyway? Was it a reference? To be completely honest with you it looks traced. :P