Age 29, Male
University of the Philippines
Joined on 9/5/09
Pretty neat art! I suck at drawing :P
You'll learn eventually.
:L I'm good at drawing on paper! not on a computer! :/ something I might need to practice on!
This is drawn on paper lol.
Great stuff.
I like Gundam.
I do too.
Your art is kickass, I'm incredibly flattered that you liked my stuffs :D
Will you do any more work on this piece? :O
You're art is quite unique I do say. And I don't really know whether to work on his or not.
You put the greatest artists in history to shame! Great art
Ah sorry, but I'm not that good. I can't even do realistic texture and coloring. It's still a long way bro. But thank you anyway. I apologize if I can't help you on your game.
Don't sweat it man! ;D Perhaps another time eh?
Sure. Why not?
A Shared victory against another thief. It was a pleasure working with you to bring another scum down Fifty.
Anytime Kinsei. But I ought to be thanking you.
You're good 50, I am proud. You should draw some forest creatures.
Thank you Cloudy! If it weren't for you and the guys I wouldn't be where I am today. Thank you.